Feb 13, 2025
EA 068 PZ -Ethnoecology Institution: Pitzer
Description: This course investigates the ecological priorities and concepts of various peoples, from so-called “fourth world” hunters and gatherers to “first world” scientists. What we isolate and consider as ecological knowledge includes those aspects of culture that relate to environmental phenomena directly (e.g., resource exploitation) and indirectly (e.g., totemic proscriptions). Thus, this ecological knowledge affects subsistence and adaptation. Ethnoecology-the study of cultural ecological knowledge-begins, like the science of ecology itself, with nomenclatures and proceeds to considerations of processes. In this course we study beliefs about the relationship between humans and the environment as expressed in both Western science and the traditions of Native peoples, and we explore where these cultural systems of knowing intersect and diverge.
Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.
Formerly: ENVS 148 PZ
For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
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